Baptiste Audouin

VFX Compositor

Take One Painting

A National Film and Televsion WorkShop


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My roles on the Project:

  • Compositor
This project has been done at the end of our Take One Painting workshop. My classmate, Oliver Lemery and I, decided to united forces and make a collaboartion project after this long lonely workshop. We combined Oliver’CG extension and my Compositing to create a day and night version of the set from tests done by Cinematographers.
We experimented with light passes AOVs on the Night version to try animate the lights. The day version is standard shader based AOVs.
It was an amazing short experience and allowed to apply all the knowlegde we’ve learned in the past month. I really love the render and our Colourist classmate, Vanessa Aparicio, did a grade pass to finish up the looks.