Baptiste Audouin

VFX Compositor

Clinging to the bedside

A National Film and Television Short-film


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My roles on the Project:

  • VFX Supervisor

Fun Project to work on. The director, Yasmin Afifi, wanted a morphing effect from Young to Old. I had never done that before and I had to research morphings done in Cinema history and the different techniques used. On set we shot a young boy and his father both on green screen and a clean plate for that background.


At first I used gridwarp techniques to create a blend from the boy to his father. I got a decent result but it was extremely uncanny and I was basically going from a person A and to a person B. The effect I wanted was going from a person A to an aged version of this person A ( I found out that the difference between both is not that subtle).


Following my tutor Josh Parks‘s advice I used a blur/divide/multiply technique to extract the texture and basically create a new person from scratch using the texture from the father to apply on the son, and distorting the son’s face slightly using STmaps.

The result is still uncanny but the Director was satisfied and I learned a lot while working on that project.


The team:

  • Directed by Yasmin Afifi
  • Director of photography : Tom Simington
  • Producer: Emily Morgan
  • Editor: Max Reynold
  • Colourist : Mara Ciorba